Measure The Happiness Of Your Employees With Happy At Work tool

Trusted by +12500 users in 25 countries.

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What is Happy At Work?

We offer an employment feedback tool to quickly and easily measure job satisfaction and workload in your organisation. We believe in evaluating work environment frequently and overtime with simple but insightful questions. It allows you to quickly detect negative trends and act before its too late.

Lower Staff Turnover,
Increase Employee Engagement

The easiest tool on the market to measure well-being and levels of stress in your organization.

Optimize remote work by keeping connected and dedicated to employee feedback.

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Quick & Anonymous, with Easy to Read Summary


Your team receives a message where they prefer

We offer distribution via SMS, Email or Slack and your team doesn't have to egister anywhere or download any app.

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Your team answers the survey

  • Fast, fun and simple surveys without wasting anyones time or energy.

  • Anonymous & Secure

  • Use ready-made surveys or create your own questions

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Analyze your survey results instantly and over time

User-friendly summary of the current work environment within your organization. This allows you to gain in-depth insights about positive and negative trends and smart alarms help you to keep track.

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